Previously this site was so hard to use, the owner couldn’t upload a pdf! The manual was in broken English and the blog led to another page, losing navigation to the rest of the site! And so, the site was rebuilt using the same graphics. The owner was ecstatic at how easy it is to make changes! New features were added, like the moving slider, social media icons, home page case studies, and then some!
MPS Executive Suites web development
This site was completely re-built into a content management system with a home page showcasing the facility’s best views in a moving slider. The idea was to stay simple with content, and so the middle layout portion was simplified to contain only three columns (instead of including the usual sidebar with multiple elements). The footer was used to add more visuals and to help visitors easily contact the centre, which would further help sales.
Central Park Business Centre web development
This site was rebuilt into a professional looking domain where visitors can find out anything they need to know about the business, and more! Staff bios, blogs, photos, and advanced tables were set up to display cost savings and value-added features of the centre. Plus, a customized sidebar allowed for different testimonials to be sprinkled throughout the site, further promoting their business to office-space seekers!